
Project initiator:
Caritasverband Kinzigtal e.V., Diakonisches Werk im Evangelischen Kirchenbezirk Ortenau and Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Kreisverband Wolfach e.V.
Anybody can suddenly find themselves in need, for many different reasons. To prevent people from ending up in difficulty and slipping through the net as a result of crisis situations that are often no fault of their own, such as accidents, illness or twists of fate, Caritasverband Kinzigtal e.V. and Diakonisches Werk im Evangelischen Kirchenbezirk Ortenau offer unbureaucratic support at short notice for individual cases [Einzelfallhilfe] where there is no other (state) help.
Project description:
The individual support project [Einzelfallhilfe-Projekt] lends a helping hand to people in need. There are no public offers of support in many crisis situations and bureaucratic hurdles often prevent people from accessing help in time – this is where individual support from Caritas, the Diakonisches Werk and the DRK comes in. The support is provided as required and is intended to help people help themselves. The people concerned are asked and encouraged to give their constructive input.
Diakonisches Werk
The organisation Kirchliche Allgemeine Soziale Arbeit (individual support) opens up spaces where people can find clarity about questions, uncertainties or contradictions in life. It picks up on the skills of the people seeking advice and enables them to make changes to their own situation in life. It provides support, information and practical assistance. The advisors have methods and skills for establishing contact based on trust and for improving the ability to act of the people seeking advice.
We are always there whenever help is needed.
Project aims:
To offer a helping hand to people in crisis and exceptional situations and to give them the support that will enable them to actively work on improving their situation.
Project location:
Ortenaukreis, Baden-Württemberg
Project start:
Project target group(s):
Anybody in a crisis
Aim of the funding:
To reach out and offer lasting support to people experiencing uncertainty in their life due to a crisis. The aim of individual support is to allow unbureaucratic and unobstructed charity work that alleviates crisis situations in the lives of people in need, helps them along and responds very individually to the person’s situation in life.
Type of funding:
Assumption of costs according to need
Duration of funding:
Since 2008; unlimited
Contact details of the project initiator:
Caritasverband Kinzigtal e.V.
Sandhaasstraße 4
77716 Haslach
Telephone: +49 (0)7832 999550
Email: info@caritas-kinzigtal.de
Diakonisches Werk im Evangelischen Kirchenbezirk Ortenau
Dienststelle Hausach, Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
Eichenstraße 24
77756 Hausach
Telephone: +49 (0)7831 96690
Fax: +49 (0)7831 966955
Email: hausach@diakonie-ortenau.de
DRK Kreisverband Wolfach e. V.
Hauptstrasse 82c
77756 Hausach
Telephone: +49 (0)7831 93550
Fax: +49 (0)7831 935555
Email: info@kv-wolfach.drk.de